Unanimous support for national campaign
Delegates at the Tri-State Conference have backed the Campaign for care of older Australians.
Delegates at the Tri-State Conference in Mt Gambier have given unanimous support and a standing ovation to the three major objectives of the Campaign for Care of Older Australians.
The national campaign is a joint initiative between Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA), Aged Care Association Australia (ACAA) and Catholic Health Australia (CHA) and a number of other faith-based provider organisations which aims to present government with a united aged care message.
Conference attendees from New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia called urgently for an industry reform agenda that would deliver equitable access, choice for consumers and sustainability for providers.
“It’s a very significant step,” said the CEO of Aged and Community Care Victoria (ACCV), Gerard Mansour, who chaired the session.
“For the first time ever we have got a unanimous united strategy at a national level.
“I think it’s one of those seminal moments for the industry.”
The national coalition was formed last November and it has already received written support from the government.
The campaign is targeted at this year’s federal election and the ongoing aged care reform agenda.
“It’s now time for the government to announce the terms of reference for the Productivity Commission to begin its work so we can get a blueprint for reform by the end of this year and begin implementing it in 2011,” said the CEO of Catholic Health Australia, Martin Laverty.
“I’m encouraged that the government is engaged in a way that it wasn’t two years ago but there’s no reason for further delay.”