Vision for Victoria

ACCV has launched its vision statement for the next decade at its AGM in Melbourne.

The Victorian aged care industry body has launched a vision statement for the next decade at its annual general meeting in Melbourne.

Aged and Community Care Victoria’s (ACCV) ‘Vision 2019’ document incorporates five key goals.

They are: positive ageing in the community; a responsive service system; a vibrant and capable workforce; a financially and environmentally sustainable industry; and an accessible, high quality aged care system.

“Vision 2019 is a remarkable example of the collaboration between ACCV members, consumers and other peak bodies interested in the issues of ageing and aged care,” said the association’s CEO, Gerard Mansour.

With the completion of the plan, ACCV has met one of the core aspirations made when it was formed in July 2006.

Since that date the group has been the single voice for residential care, community care, bush nursing and independent living in Victoria.

But today Mr Mansour said there needed to be a focus on reform in the aged care sector.

“There is a real urgency to act now so we can meet the needs of our diverse, rapidly ageing community,” he said.

He said ACCV would continue its important work with government, the community and key stakeholders to realise the outcomes in ‘Vision 2019’.

At the ACCV AGM, Sandra Hills, Rhys Boyle, Ingrid Williams, and Paul Gregersen were relected to the board.

Tags: accv, aged-care, board-of-directors, planning, victoria, vision,

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