Win free registration for leadership conference

Australian Ageing Agenda has two full conference registrations to give away to senior managers wanting to attend the 7th Australasian Better Boards Conference in Melbourne this July.


Above: Nina Terrey, one of the keynote speakers at the Better Boards Conference 2013

To be in the running to win one of two free conference registrations, the Better Boards Conference team would like to hear your favourite leadership quote or piece of leadership advice, posted on the Better Boards Facebook page or via twitter linking to @betterboards and including the #BBC2013 hash tag.  See details below.

Strong leadership and good governance will be critical to the success – and even the survival – of aged and community services organisations as they negotiate a new era of structural reforms and a rapidly evolving consumer context.

That’s one of the reasons Australian Ageing Agenda is pleased to be partnering with the Better Boards Conference 2013.  With our strong interest in supporting innovation and best practice in the aged services sector, we want to help encourage board members, CEOs and senior executives of non-profit organisations, to understand and address governance and leadership challenges. 

We got involved and attended our first Better Boards Conference only in 2012, and for us it was an eye-opener. The combination of first hand exposure to Australian and international leadership experts and a focus on knowledge sharing and peer support was clearly a very positive form of professional development for the nearly 600-strong delegates, most of whom were board members or CEO’s of non-profit organisations.

Once again, this year we have two free registrations to give away to the main conference at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July, valued at $825 for a single delegate.

How to enter

To be in the running to win one of these free registrations, the Better Boards Conference team would like to hear your favourite leadership quote or piece of leadership advice, posted on the Better Boards Facebook page or via twitter linking to @betterboards, and including the #BBC2013 hash tag.

To get the idea, you can see some quotes (not part of this give-away) on the Better Boards Facebook page and on Twitter already. And we’ve included some of them below, too.

Interested entrants who are unfamiliar with Facebook and Twitter can enter by putting their favourite leadership quote, together with their name and organsiation, in the comments section at the bottom of this news story. 

All entrants will go into a draw to be awarded on Friday 31 May and winners will be notified by Monday 3 June.

Examples of leadership quotes, using the #BBC2013 hash tag

#BBC2013 “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance” Confucius

#BBC2013 “Leadership is doing what is right when no one is watching” George Van Valkenburg

#BBC2013 “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”  Aristotle

Speaker line-up

Some of the speakers at the Better Boards Conference 2013 include:

Nina Terrey (Championing Innovation in Complex Organisations ) – partner at ThinkPlace  

David Miles (Innovation – Unlocking the Future) – Chairperson, Innovation Australia; 

Murray Baird (Minimum Governance Standards) – principal at Moores Legal and recently appointed Assistant Commissioner (General Counsel) at the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC).  

Michael Tarrant (Disaster & Crisis: Dilemmas & Challenges for Boards) –  Australian Emergency Management Institute 

Russell Martoo (Solving the Dysfunctional Property Asset Dilemma: Finding Solutions for the Asset Rich but Cash Poor NFP Organisation) Managing Director, RCP – one of Australia’s largest independent project management consultancies serving the construction and development industries.  

For a full list of presenters, topics and related conference events, please see the Better Boards 2013 conference program.  To follow the Better BoardsConference 2013 on twitter go to and ensure you reference the #BBC2013 hash tag

Tags: #bbc2013, better-boards, conferences-and-events, free-registration, governance, leadership,

5 thoughts on “Win free registration for leadership conference

  1. Sydney may have the best Harbour but Rutherglen has the best Port.
    Thank you

  2. Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
    Best wishes

  3. Learn from past journies, and be ready to embrace what lies ahead.

  4. ‘The core of management is the art of pulling together the intellectual resources of all employees…Only by drawing on the combined brain power of all its employees can a firm face up to the turbulence and constraints of today’s environment’ Konosuke Matsushita

  5. Leadership is a two way street,loyalty up and loyalty down,Respect for one’s superiors,care for one’s crew.
    Dont be a valve radio in a micro-chip world.

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