A new record for Vic
A record number of nominations has made this year’s ACCV State Awards for Excellence the most popular ever.
Above: The ACCV 2011 State Awards for Excellence winners
More nominations were received for the Aged & Community Care Victoria (ACCV) 2011 State Awards for Excellence than any other year.
The organisation has said that this year, it received almost a third more nominations than last year. In fact, the response was so overwhelming that ACCV increased the number of finalists in the running for the annual awards, with four category nominees instead of the usual three.
The 2011 winners were announced at an awards ceremony in Melbourne, late last week. Individuals and organisations were recognised in the Awards categories Employee, Organisation, Volunteer, Trainee, Media and Industry Supporter.
“Nominations received for the six award categories were of an exceptionally high standard and all nominees, finalists and winners should be congratulated for their outstanding efforts and contribution that they have made not only to their organisations, but the people they care for,” said CEO of ACCV, Gerard Mansour.
All winners from the ACCV State Awards will also be nominated for the 2011 National Awards run by national peak body Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA).
The Employee Award winner, Annie Tragin, was joined on stage by a resident who paid homage to Annie’s caring ways in supporting Annie’s nomination.
After dying four times and spending three months in hospital recovering from a heart attack, unable to walk and talk, 83 year old Linda Dowell thanks Annie for helping her to recover and find the zest for life she demonstrated as she sped to be on stage to celebrate with Annie at the event.
Trainee Award winner, Carolyn Bridgart, was also commended for her dedication to the industry, as were Organisation Award winners Baptcare, Media Award winners Orbost Regional Health and Industry Supporter Award winners, Russell Kennedy.
“The State Awards promote and recognise excellence across all fields of the aged care industry and celebrate significant contributions to the quality of life of older people, people with disabilities and their carers,” he said.
“Our Victorian aged care industry is renowned for its dedication to ensuring our nation-builders receive the best possible quality of life as they age. It is the facilities, employees, volunteers and those supporters of the industry whose commitment to the care of our older people makes the Victorian aged care industry outstanding.”