AAA launches Technology Review with Sep-Oct issue – out now!
Australian Ageing Agenda has launched a new magazine focused on technology, AAA Technology Review! The new magazine is being delivered as a bonus with the September-October issue of Australian Ageing Agenda, which is out this week.
Above: The cover of the first-ever issue of Australian Ageing Agenda Technology Review.
Fresh off the presses, Australian Ageing Agenda’s September-October issue is arriving in mailboxes around the country this week, along with the first-ever issue of AAA Technology Review.
AAA Technology Review is a brand new magazine from the same team that is initially only available to Australian Ageing Agenda subscribers as a free bonus, but will eventually be available as a stand-alone publication.
The new magazine will report on the myriad aspects of technology in health and aged care, both in Australia and beyond, and will come out three times in its first year. The second edition will accompany the January-February issue of Australian Ageing Agenda magazine.
Regular Technology Review sections cover research, trials and pilot projects, new products, apps and gadgets and in the first cover story, Lisa Stallard looks at the benefits of wi-fi nurse call systems.
“Firstly, let me congratulate Australian Ageing Agenda for having the foresight and acumen to build a magazine specifically focusing on technology issues in the aged care sector,” writes Dr Louise Schaper, CEO of the Health Informatics Society of Australia, in her first column in the new magazine.
“The use of technology as a tool to create, store and share health information and the use of technology as a tool in the direct provision of care is not ‘the way of the future’ – it is an essential tool as we continue to strive for high quality, safe, evidence-based care,” Dr Schaper continues.
Features cover the launch of the Personally Controlled eHealth Record, implementing electronic medication management, business intelligence software and an amazing system set up by the tech-savvy son of a nursing home resident.
Professor Greg Tegart, chair of the Health and Technology Forum within the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, uses his column to explain the emerging field of gerontechnology, which is a major focus of the new magazine.
“[Gerontechnology] encompasses the study of technology and the study of ageing (gerontology) to ensure an optimal technological environment for all ageing and aged people,” Professor Tegart writes.
Aged care software vendor Caroline Lee introduces the Aged Care IT Vendors Association (ACIVA) in her column, and AAA group editor, Keryn Curtis, promises the new publication will be a ‘geek-free zone’ with no aspiration to offer the latest in technical reporting.
“What we want to do is help people who work every day in the sector to understand the many ways that technology can help them to do their jobs better or more easily or effectively,” Ms Curtis writes in her opening editorial.
Above: The cover of the newest edition of Australian Ageing Agenda.
The September-October issue of Australian Ageing Agenda, out this week, includes articles exploring governance, palliative care, risk management and much more.
This issue’s cover story takes a peek inside Mercy Health, state industry associations present views from Queensland and Western Australia and we chat to the CEO of the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency, Mark Brandon.
Yasmin Noone takes apart the dramatic barrage of criticism directed at the Minister for Ageing in the wake of the ‘ACFI clawback’, and former Victorian state MP, Bill Forwood, urges the sector to stop complaining and look on the bright side in ‘Rock the boat’.
We also bail up exercise gerontologist Dr Tim Henwood not far from his home in Brisbane and ask why he loves his job so much, look at the changing view of fire sprinklers as a necessity in residential aged care facilities, and much more!
CLICK HERE to get your copy of Australian Ageing Agenda, along with the first issue of AAA Technology Review.
Australian Ageing Agenda’s bi-monthly magazine is an independent and authoritative bi-monthly publication for the aged care and retirement sectors in Australia. It provides a broad range of news, education and opinion with an emphasis on research and analysis in articles that challenge current ideas and encourage innovative thinking.