Aged care physio takes out SA OHS award

The Eldercare staff member developed a new slide hoist sheet for bariatric residents.

Award winner, Frank Naso.

A physiotherapist from South Australian provider Eldercare has been recognised for the Best Individual Contribution to Workplace Health and Safety in SafeWork SA’s annual Safe Work Awards.

Frank Naso was presented with the award for developing a slide hoist sheet for bariatric residents.

Mr Naso spent many hours of his personal time designing the tool and then working with a technical assistant to produce it.

When the tool was fully developed, he organised training for staff and explained the tool to residents.

The new slide sheet means that only four staff members are required to assist bariatric residents instead of five.

Eldercare’s Occupational Health and Safety Manager, Christine Racar said bariatric residents are becoming a serious concern in aged care and acute healthcare.

“We actually had an issue here with one of our bariatric residents who became immobile and had to have assistance with her transfers,” she said.

“We were looking for ways to manage her without putting our staff at risk of an injury and that’s when Frank came up with this slide.

“Now the staff are able to roll residents in bed without having to have five staff assisting and without the staff actually having to do any manual work because the lifter actually does that.”

Mr Naso is currently making some modifications to the tool before it is rolled out at all 12 of Eldercare’s facilities.

The Royal Adelaide Hospital has also expressed interest in using the tool in its spinal unit and with bariatric patients.

Mr Naso has now been nominated for the Safe Work Australia Awards.

The award-winning slide sheet.

Tags: award, eldercare, obesity, ohs, south-australia,

7 thoughts on “Aged care physio takes out SA OHS award

  1. Congratulations Frank – you were always a “problem solver” so wonderful to see that you have been recognised for your efforts and dedication to the industry!


    Sandy Bartlett

  2. Congratulations Frank. People in the aged care industry need to see what impact this has had on our workplace. It has made working with bed bound residents so much easier. Well Done Terri

  3. When will the slide sheet become available commercially? Very interested in the concept, and with bariatric residents now in my nursing home, I’m keen to follow up on this idea.


  4. Hi Meredith

    Please contact Belinda from Equip for Living. Her number is 0408 080 099. You will require specialised training in its use.


    Frank Naso

  5. Congratulations frank!It has been a pleasure working with you and we are currently using the product on one of the bariatric residents and it works! For it to be successful it is important that all staff that are rostered in the care of the bariatric resident are trained and a competency assessment conducted. Alot of follow up is required to ensure that everyone understands the process otherwise it makes it difficult for the next person.



  6. Hi Frank
    Congratulations on developing the slide sheet, it has proved to be a real winner.
    It has made repositioning of bed bound residents alot easier, safer and less time consuming.
    I would have no hesitation in reccomending the use of this product if staff are trained in its use.
    Cheers Frank


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