Australia’s first gay village

A proposed retirement village for older members of the GLBT community has been given council approval.

Australia’s first gay-only retirement village will be built in regional Victoria, according to an article in the Herald Sun.

Moorabol shire has approved plans for the $26 million development, despite community opposition.

The Linton Estate village  will be built in Ballan – between Bacchus Marsh and Ballarat.

It will have 120 two and three-bedroom units along with a long list of amenities, including a tennis court, bowling green, open-air theatre and a multi-million dollar leisure centre with a pool, spa, gymnasium, cafe, restaurant, piano room and business centre.

The project’s developer, Peter Dickson told the newspaper that he wanted to develop a retirement community that was different to existing establishments.

He said older gay, lesbian and transgender people wanted to be with friends.

It is expected that construction will begin next year.

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