Can-do campaign to boost industry’s image

ACSA has revealed new details about its planned $1.2 million ‘can-do’ image campaign.

Ursa Communication’s Mardi Le Page says ACSA’s image campaign will highlight the common respect between aged care clients and carers.

Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) has unveiled new details about its plans for a $1.2 million national television and magazine image campaign.

Primarily aimed at women aged 45 and over, the ‘contemporary’ campaign will focus on the relationships between clients and carers in aged care.

Its main message will be that ‘aged care professionals’ are ‘can-do’ people whom we can’t do without.

As well as targeting external stakeholders such as decision-makers and the voting public, the initiative will attempt to boost the morale of people working in the sector, said ACSA CEO, Greg Mundy.

“Our research has shown that we are much more critical about ourselves than the general public or our consumers are,” he said.

The campaign has been developed by Ursa Communications, an advertising agency which has worked with health and not-for-profit organisations such as Pfizer and the Red Cross.

“We are very passionate about this campaign,” said Ursa Communication’s Mardi Le Page. “We really want to get it right because we know that it is critical to the future of your industry.”

Delegates at the TriState Conference in Albury were shown half a dozen concept print advertisements.

One featured a picture of an aged care worker assisting a client to listen to music on an MP3 player.

It said: “Can enjoy new things. Can’t do it without you…Aged care professionals. Can do people.”

Another showed an aged care client knitting, supported by a carer.

It said: “Can still enjoy my hobbies. Can’t do it without you… Aged care professionals. Can do people.”

“We want to highlight the common respect and the bonds between these people as they travel on their common journey,” said Ms Le Page.

Over the next two months ACSA will send a letter to all its members, asking them to pledge their support. It will also be holding information sessions in every state.

If $1.2 million is not raised, ACSA will consider either a $600,000 national magazine campaign or an $800,000 national radio and magazine campaign.

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