Free resource identifies training opportunities
A new compilation lists free and subsidised training programs for the aged care workforce.
A new collated list of free and subsidised training programs for the aged care workforce aims to help providers plan staff development across roles.
Developed by Enkindle Consulting, the Aged Care Training Links Database compiles reputable training providers, details, audiences, timeframes and direct links to the training modules. The free resource was released last week.
The goal is to save people in the industry time to identify a resource that will help them plan strategically for workforce development across the organisation and for individuals, said Enkindle director Jennene Buckley.
Speaking to Australian Ageing Agenda at the ITAC conference on the Gold Coast, here Ms Buckley describes the database, its aims and who it’s for:
The areas covered in the database – which can be downloaded from Enkindle’s website – include:
- the aged care system
- compliance
- SIRS and mandatory reporting
- dementia
- palliative care
- mental health
- oral health care
- diversity and inclusive practice
- trauma-Informed practice
- elder abuse and advocacy
- governance.
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