New money saving software launched

A new open access software program, that promises to save aged care organisations lots of money, has been recently launched by Leecare Soltuions.

Aged care organisations will now be able access open source software and potentially save thousands of dollars, thanks to the release of a new care and management product by Leecare Solutions.

The product, Platinum 5.0 IntelligentDesign Software, is a world first in aged care for the Australian company, as it allows users a choice of  applications including iPad, Apple Mac or PC environments.

The solution can either be installed on the client server network or deployed as a hosted or managed service. This means that there is no need for any additional applications or licenses if a user want to run the program in more than one operating environment.

Leecare Solutions CEO, Dr Caroline Lee, said that the new care and management program for aged care organisations will include and exceed the functionality of other current software programs.

“We wanted to give the industry choice,” said Dr Lee.

“It will have a few significant impacts as it will actually reduce total costs of ownership of software as organisations won’t have to have additional products [to suit different brands].

“It replicates the technology that people will now see on their Google androids and iPhones. Depending on the size of an aged care organisation, this new product could save tens of thousands of dollars.

“With an aged care organisation supporting staff to do their job easier and better, staff will have more time to concentrate on the care of residents. Also the intuitive level of the program and the technology used means that all staff will be able to use the program without too much training.

Around 140 people turned up to the launch which was deemed by Dr Lee as an “outstanding success.”

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