Noticeboard: Aged Care Pricing Commissioner appointed

Legal professional John Dicer has been named as the sector’s new pricing commissioner.

Legal professional John Dicer has been appointed as the sector’s new pricing commissioner, the government has announced this week.

John Dicer has over 25 years’ experience in working within the corporate-government sector most recently as general counsel at Airservices Australia.

John Dicer

He has previously been general counsel at Commonwealth Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, the Rail Access/Rail Infrastructure Corporation and the Olympic Co-ordination Authority.

Mr Dicer also has qualifications in law and economics.

Minister for Aged Care Ken Wyatt announced the appointment of Mr Dicer to the role of Aged Care Pricing Commissioner on Thursday.

“John brings with him broad public and private sector experience including a strong background in regulatory matters, compliance, risk management and complex pricing issues,” Minister Wyatt said.

The office of the Aged Care Pricing Commissioner was established in 2013 to help ensure that aged care residents were not over charged for their place.

The Tune Review recommended the role be retained.

Mr Dicer commenced his new role as an independent statutory office holder on 21 May 2018.

In addition to ensuring that people requiring aged care support are not overcharged, Mr Dicer’s responsibilities include approving extra service fees and accommodation payments higher than the maximum amount determined by the Aged Care Minister and reporting to Minister.

Mr Dicer’s appointment follows the completion of former commissioner Kim Cull’s five-year term.

Minister Wyatt thanked Ms Cull for her excellent service since 2013.

“She focused steadfastly on protecting consumers and standing up for the interests of older Australians,” he said.

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Tags: aged-care-pricing-commissioner, John Dicer, Ken Wyatt, Kim Cull, Minister for Aged Care,

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