Aged care training resources to improve care for LGBTI seniors

The Department of Health has released a series of online resources to support providers to deliver aged care services that are inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) seniors.

The Department of Health has released a series of online resources to support providers to deliver aged care services that are inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) seniors.

The resources include:

  • A 24-minute educational video raising awareness of LGBTI inclusive policies and practices and the needs of LGBTI older people. The training resource, LGBTI: Inclusion and Awareness for the Aged Care Sector, was produced by the Aged Care Channel and co-funded by the Department of Health. Read more here.
  • A consumer guide for LGBTI older people on how to access aged care services. The guide, Aged care for LGBTI elders: Getting started with My Aged Care, provides an overview of the aged care services that are available and the steps required to access care.
  • A booklet to guide aged care workers on providing aged care services to people living with HIV. The booklet aims to bust myths and explain how HIV affects the ageing process. The resource also covers treatments for HIV, stigma and discrimination and infection prevention and control in the workplace.

The recently launched palliAged website also collates resources on delivering inclusive aged care services to LGBTI consumers, including at the end of life.

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Tags: department-of-health, education, lgbti, news-ccrn-2, palliaged, resource, training,

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