How prepared is your organisation for an emergency?

The Australian Council of Social Services has produced a free toolkit to support community organisations build their resilience to disasters and emergencies.

The Australian Council of Social Services has produced a free toolkit to support community organisations build their resilience to disasters and emergencies.

The online toolkit, Resilient Community Organisations, includes a benchmarking tool and set of resources to help service providers assess their disaster preparedness and identify areas for improvement.

The project builds on ACOSS’ research in 2013 into the community sector’s preparedness for climate change and extreme weather events.

The survey found that one week after a disaster, 50 per cent of organisations would not be able to operate and another 25 per cent would shut down permanently if their buildings and critical infrastructure were damaged.

The toolkit draws on an international review of existing disaster resilience tools to support organisations to bounce back and can continue to provide services during a crisis.

The project has identified six steps to disaster resilience including organisational leadership on disaster preparedness, building networks and identifying and managing risks.

Review your organisation’s preparedness by accessing the toolkit here.

13 October is International Day for Disaster Reduction.

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Tags: acoss, disaster-preparedness, emergency, extreme-weather, toolkit,

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