New resources explain quality standards through pictures

The quality and safety commission has developed a series of storyboards to help improve understanding of the quality standards.

Aged Care Quality Standards storyboard on quality standard 8 – organisational governance

The quality and safety commission has developed a series of storyboards to help people interacting with aged care services in rural and remote areas understand the quality standards.

The Aged Care Quality Standards Storyboards contain 11 illustrated scenarios that provide a pictorial representation of how each of the quality eight standards apply.

The resources have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist aged care staff, consumers and other people interacting with aged care services to improve understanding on how to apply the quality standards in a day-to-day context.

Each storyboard presents a different scenario related to the standards, such as consumer dignity and choice, ongoing assessment and care planning and personal and clinical care.

Additional storyboards illustrate dignity of risk, open disclosure and a summary of the quality standards in a rural and remote context.

The storyboards are designed for use by facilitators training staff or aged care services to explain the concepts of the quality standards to consumers and their representatives.

An Aged Care Quality Standards Storyboards User Guide has also been developed to explain the narrative each storyboard is conveying and provide information on each frame.

The storyboards can be downloaded as a single pack or individually.

Access the resources here.

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Tags: Aged Care Quality Standards, Aged Care Quality Standards Storyboards, aged-care-quality-and-safety-commission, news-4, slider,

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