Reablement and dementia: handbook translates evidence into practice

A series of new resources has been launched to advance reablement approaches for people with dementia.

A series of new resources has been launched to advance reablement approaches for people with dementia.

The project led by HammondCare has produced a sector handbook, technical guide and consumer booklet to support the independence and function of people living with dementia.

The resources outline eight reablement programs around the key areas of everyday living activities, mobility and physical function, and cognition and communication.

The technical guide synthesises the research evidence on reablement interventions for people living with dementia and is aimed at service providers and clinicians delivering programs.

The sector handbook translates available research to real-world aged care settings by outlining the duration and intensity of programs and the implementation costs involved.

Professor Chris Poulos, HammondCare’s head of research and aged care clinical services, said the resources aim to demonstrate to service providers how reablement programs can be delivered practically and sustainably for people with dementia.

The consumer information booklet can also empower people with dementia and their families with the knowledge about programs that could be of benefit, he said.

The project was conducted in partnership with the University of New South Wales, Brightwater Care Group, Helping Hand Aged Care, Dementia Australia and the federal Department of Health.

The reablement in dementia project was funded through support from the NHMRC Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre (CDPC).

Download the free resources here.

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Tags: chris-poulos, community-care-review-slider, dementia, hammondcare, handbook, news-ccrn-2, reablement, research, resources,

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