Top tips for using simple assistive aids in the home

The Independent Living Centre WA has released a consumer guide on simple assistive equipment and home modification options to support older people to remain independent at home.

The Independent Living Centre WA has released a consumer guide on simple assistive equipment and home modification options to support older people to remain independent at home.

The Making Choices, Finding Solutions Guide provides useful tips and advice to help people to manage everyday tasks and common frustrations.

The guide addresses a range of simple solutions that can be found in local stores and online to assist older people in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry and with outdoor tasks, dressing and housework.

ILC WA service manager Hilary O’Connell said that with thousands of assistive equipment and home modification options available on the market, it can be a challenge working out what is available, suitable and where to find items.

“The aim of this guide was to make it a simple and easy-to-follow guide so that individuals themselves, or family members, can find simple solutions to daily living tasks that may be difficult,” Ms O’Connell said.

The resource also provides information on the role of a trades person, builder and allied health professional.

An everyday activities checklist also helps users to identify their needs and common difficulties.

The Independent Living Centre WA will be discussing the development and application of the guide at the upcoming ATSA Independent Living Expo in Perth on 30-31 May.

Download the resource here.

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Tags: aids-and-equipment, assistive technology, basic-home-modifications, community-care-review-slider, Hilary-O'connell, independent-living-centre-WA, news-ccrn-1,

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