SA provider agrees to training partnership

Under the agreement, the organisation will have input into the content of training courses while hosting student placements.

A South Australian aged care provider has entered an official partnership with a local educational institution to improve the training provided to students completing a Certificate III in aged care.

Through the agreement, Masonic Homes has provided input into 4LifeSA’s Cert III course and has made the training section of its electronic documentation system available to students.

Up to 10 students will be able to complete work placements at Masonic Homes’ three residential care facilities in SA over a three month period.

The group’s HR, Training and Development Coordinator, Deborah Griffiths, said the arrangement will make it easier for students on placement at Masonic Homes.

“If they have done four to five weeks using our systems in class time, when they come to one of our sites their experience should be improved.”

Ms Griffiths said it was the first time that Masonic Homes had entered into a formal partnership with a training provider.

“We are really focused on student placements and we have developed a learning environment and a learning culture within our organisation,” she said.

“This is a first for us in formalising that link with an RTO, between when a student comes on placement and recruitment.”

The partnership will help to ensure the quality of Cert III graduates joining the organisation, Ms Griffiths said.

“From our point of view, this was also a quality assurance process because we have been involved in the course design.

“We know the training is at a certain standard and we can predict what the students will know and will have covered.”

Tags: 4lifesa, aged-care, education-and-training, masonic-homes,

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