Uniting NSW ACT acquires four Bupa homes

Uniting NSW ACT has acquired four Bupa homes, expanding its residential aged care portfolio to 74 homes.

Not-for-profit aged care provider Uniting NSW ACT has announced it will acquire four residential aged care homes from its for-profit counterpart Bupa in October.

The acquisition includes aged care homes in Berry, Eden, Griffith and Tumut in regional and rural New South Wales and adds new service areas for Uniting NSW ACT.

When the provider assumes full responsibility for the homes on 1 October, it will have 74 residential aged care homes across NSW and ACT.

Uniting NSW ACT chief executive Tracey Burton said the acquisition aligned with the provider’s vision to expand its services in regional communities.

Tracey Burton

“Uniting’s 10-year strategy calls for us to grow our impact and support vulnerable communities, with a focus on rural and regional areas,” Ms Burton said.

“In spite of the challenges of 2021, we welcome the ability to innovate and develop as opportunities arise,” she said.

The four homes will adopt Uniting NSW ACT’s household model of care, which offers residents choice, control and independence, Ms Burton said.

Bupa’s aged care home in Eden, NSW

Uniting NSW ACT will offer ongoing employment to all staff on the same or similar terms, a spokesperson from Bupa confirmed.

“This means our residents will continue to be cared for as before by the teams they already know,” the spokesperson told Australian Ageing Agenda.

“For Bupa, this change will help ensure we can better focus on the quality of resident care throughout the remainder of our network. We are working closely with Uniting to ensure the transition process is as smooth as possible for our employees, our residents and their loved ones.”

Main image: Bupa’s aged care home in Berry, NSW

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Tags: acquisition, aged care, bupa, Bupa Aged Care, tracey burton, uniting nsw act,

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