What’s on in aged care

The upcoming calendar is packed full of sector-wide events. Find out what is happening in your state.

Here’s a roundup of some of the events, conferences and ‘need to know’ information on upcoming happenings in the aged care sector.


The National Aged Care Alliance has secured a National Press Club event on Wednesday 11 April. As part of the Alliance’s campaign, Australians Deserve to Age Well, you will hear the Alliance panel of aged care experts speak on a variety of topics pertaining to the aged care reform agenda.

Time: 11.30am for 11.45am start. Cost: $57 National Press Club members, $77 Non-members, $770 per table. Bookings essential via www.npc.org.au


7 April: World Health Day
12 May: International Nurses Day
20–26 May: National Palliative Care Week


-Nominations for 2012 OSCAR Hospitality Aged Care Hospitality Awards will open on Monday April 16.

The awards provide an opportunity for individuals and aged care facilities to promote aged care hospitality and demonstrate support and commitment to hospitality in the aged care industry. They aim to drawing attention to the efforts and successes of all hospitality staff and encourage the growth and quality of the food and catering service in aged care facilities around the country. For more details, click here.

Registrations are now open for the 2012 ACCV Residential Care Seminar, Providing Fresh Opportunities for Aged Care Tomorrow ,happening on Thursday 10 May at Etihad Stadium (Melbourne), from 9am-3.45pm. For further information, click here.

-Aged and community care staff interested in learning about issues relating to aged care abuse can now register to attend the Aged Rights Advocacy Service’s (ARAS) World Elder Abuse Awareness Day event on Thursday 14 June, at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

The theme for 2012 will explore how organisations and individuals can improve their response to abuse, and uphold the rights of older people, regardless of where they live. The keynote speaker secured is Bridget Penhale Reader in Mental Health of Older People, School of Nursing Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UEA Norwich UK. The event will also feature a panel discussion facilitated by Mark Aiston, TV and radio personality. Click here to find out more.


 Stir the Pot – Morsels for living, dying and social change
A night of presentations, provocations & discussions about innovative end of life & after death care practices
 Part of The First Australian Social Changemakers’ Festival, Developed by The GroundSwell Project & LifeRites
18 April
Weave Arts Centre, North Eveleigh (Sydney, NSW), 5.30- 8pm
Tickets are available via Eventbrite
E: Kerrie Noonan, kerrie@thegroundswellproject.com
T: 0439 040 499
W: http://asixfestival-stir-the-pot-autohome.eventbrite.com.au/?ebtv=C

ICT Contracting in Health – Lessons learnt and how to manage the risk
Breakfast forum presented by the Australasian College of Health Service Management, DLA Piper and Queensland Government
18 April
Royal on the Park, Brisbane
T: Deb O’Brien on 07 3229 3171 or Mike Knowles on 07 3229 3170
E: debra.obrien@achsm.org.au or mike.knowles@achsm.org.au

Focus on Not for Profits 2012
Presented by Carne Reid Herd Lawyers and Community Business Australia
10 May
Victoria Park Golf Course, Herston (Queensland)
RSVPs: Essential, to be received by Wednesday 25 April
T: Chanelle Oldfield on 07 3236 2900

AHURI Housing Research Seminar- Measuring house stress and its consequences
This seminar will present findings from three new AHURI research projects on housing affordability; housing stress and wellbeing and residual incomes in Australia.
16 May
Details : 8:30am- midday, Citigate Hotel, 707 Wellington Street, Perth
RSVPs are essential and must be received by 15 May. Click here for more details.


SAGE is running a trip to attend the European Association of Homes and Services for the Aged (EAHSA) bi-annual conference in Malta and other conference associated events on 20-26 September.

The tour will aim to provide delegates with innovative ways to grow their seniors living businesses by going inside view of some of Europe’s most innovative and successful seniors living organisations.

Delegates will gain access to the CEOs and facilities managers of leading seniors living organisations, visit innovative facilities and gain an understanding of the business models and organisational structures that support them.

Site visits are selected to showcase organisations demonstrating outstanding approaches to service delivery, use of new technology or that incorporate advanced design features. Facilities will include a mix of commercial developments, institutional and community based settings offering the full continuum of seniors living.

Organisers encourage interested participants to act quickly as the trip is booking out fast.

For more information on the tour or to book a place you can visit the SAGE website (www.sagetours.com.au), or contact study leader, Judy Martin (jmartin@agedcare.org.au) on 0437 649 672.


-Aged and Community Services (ACSA) National Conference’s organising committee is calling for interested presenters to submit abstracts before the closing date, Tuesday 1 May. The conference will run from 2-5 September at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre. The theme will be Through the Looking Glass – in search of Wonderland.

To submit an abstract for consideration download the criteria here. For details about the conference, call 07 3725 5588; email kimh@acqi.org.au; or click here

-The 2nd Annual Western Australian Active Ageing Conference 2012, presented by COTA WA, will be held 21-22 June at the Tradewinds Hotel Fremantle.
The call for papers has been opened and the program titled What’s New In Ageing? will be filled on an ongoing basis. All those interested in submitting a paper are encouraged to do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

The call for papers will close on Monday 14 May. To find out more about the presenting a submission, click here. Or for more conference details, visit www.cotawa.org.au/conferences/waaac2012/


Early bird registrations are available for the 6th Australasian Better Boards Conference, happening in Melbourne from 27-29 July. Lawyer, Brian Herd, will be among the 45 experts and skilled practitioners who will discuss professional development issues at the NFP sector event.

To find out more information about the conference and to register, click here.


CAREX Melbourne 2012
18-19 April
Caulfield Racecourse, Melbourne
T: 03 9571 5606
E: office@totalagedservices.com.au
W: www.totalagedservices.com.au/agedcare.asp

Inaugural Homelessness Research Conference
Presented by AHURI and RMIT University
19-20 April
Jasper Hotel, 489 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne
T: 03 9660 2308
E: kristina.conley@ahuri.edu.au
W: www.ahuri.edu.au

Information Technology in Aged Care
“Smart Technology for Modern Aged Care: delivering change”
19-20 April
Melbourne Park Function Centre
T:08 9405 7171
W: www.itac2012.com.au

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