Agile aged care requires client-centred software
If your clients don’t receive a quality of care that meets their expectations, they will likely transition to a provider that will.
Since 1 July 2019, Australian aged care organisations have been required to comply with the Aged Care Quality Standards. The first of eight listed standards is ‘Consumer Dignity and Choice’.
These requirements build on The Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, which emphasised that “a profound shift is required in which the people receiving care are placed at the centre of a new aged care system.” Client-centricity will, therefore, continue to be a legislative focus, further propelling competitive forces as providers endeavour to attract and retain clients in this new Star Ratings era.
The resultant level of available care offerings in the market means that if clients don’t receive a quality of care that meets their expectations, they will likely transition to a provider that will. Therefore, your client’s experience should be at the centre of everything your organisation does, which means your software needs to be developed with a view to the entire care recipient journey.
Leading aged care software applications enable users to have a high-level view of their clients, which can be expanded into granular insights. These granular insights include interactions, care needs, accommodation preferences, order history, emails, phone calls, and other attached documents.
Having one single client record spanning the whole aged care journey—from different rooms to different location sites to different types of care and medical needs—not only provides a single source of truth for all required information, but also enables a proactive approach to care needs and effective business decision-making.
Client – Centricity is one of the seven key categories to use in assessing the suitability of your aged care software.
Explore all seven categories in our eBook, The 2024 Guide to Agile Aged Care.
- Client-centred
- Compliant
- Customised
- Connected
- Collaborative
- Contextualised
- Cybersecure
Click here to download eBook.