Bespoke training for human resources
Management training is essential to ensure compliance with Aged Care Quality Standard 7 – Human resources, writes Chris Tanner.

Management training is essential to ensure compliance with Aged Care Quality Standard 7 – Human resources, writes Chris Tanner.
One of the cornerstones of compliance within the Aged Care Quality Standards is Human Resources. This Standard requires that providers have an adequate workforce who are competent, skilled, and knowledgeable, to ensure residents receive the best quality care.
This can be difficult to achieve, but Health Generation is here to support you. We will assist you to ensure that your staff are sufficiently trained to undertake their everyday responsibilities, and are enabled to provide consistently exceptional care services to residents.

Health Generation has a team of expert trainers and assessors, all qualified and experienced in aged care, who love delivering the latest evidence-based education, incorporating theory and linking directly to clinical practice.
This model ensures that your management and staff are competent in their workplace obligations and clinical practice for the residents’ safety, health, and wellbeing.
Health Generation trainers and assessors deliver learning in a variety of modes that meet the individualised demands and requirements of a home, including face to face groups, workshops, and in clinical areas. Training sessions consist of theory and practical sessions, and provide professional expertise and support for all levels of staff.
Management training is an essential part of becoming and remaining compliant with Standard 7. As Clinical and Facility Managers navigate the constantly changing aged care compliance pathway, Health Generation develops our resources to suit each provider’s individual needs.
Having a specifically tailored training program may also assist in your recruitment and retention of experienced staff, as professional development is an important part of workforce expectations of an employer. Becoming an employer of choice in the Aged Care industry will set your facility apart, and assist you to attract and retain the best clinical care resources on the floor, as well as exceptional Managers and ancillary staff.
We do all the preparation for you!
When developing training plans and resources, the Health Generation education team undertakes research to incorporate the latest best practice guidelines for Aged Care, to ensure that training delivered is evidence-based and current best practice. Learning resources are consistently developed and refined to ensure that all levels of staff are knowledgeable in the latest evidence-based practice methods for optimal resident care and services. We can also provide a suite of educational resources for future training of new staff, and as refresher or reference material for current staff.
Urgently need a new resource?
We love a challenge!
Health Generation is also here to assist you in writing any clinical or operational documentation such as policies, procedures, frameworks, spreadsheets, flowcharts, competency workbooks and practical assessments. No learning resource is too difficult for us to develop and deliver to your facility’s management and staff. Our educators and trainers are well-supported by an internal team of clinical support and administrative staff, ensuring compliance, funding, clinical operations, and education goals are met with professional results, every time.
Chris Tanner is Education and Mentoring Manager at Health Generation
Contact one of our passionate Client Partners to discuss how Health Generation can assist in positioning your home to deliver exceptional aged care services.
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