New learning modules to help you and your staff succeed

“Stepping back before stepping in” – Such simple words but when put into practice can be so effective. This is especially true when working with older people to enhance their abilities; by ensuring every opportunity that arises is used to practice vital daily living skills, using the wellness and reablement approach.”

“Stepping back before stepping in” – Such simple words but when put into practice can be so effective. This is especially true when working with older people to enhance their abilities; by ensuring every opportunity that arises is used to practice vital daily living skills, using the wellness and reablement approach.

The KeepAble team has set out to educate the aged care workforce in understanding the importance of adopting this way of working, and the pivotal part it plays when enabling older people to stay independent at home for longer. We have worked with service providers to create a series of bite-sized professional development sessions and accompanying resources to support delivery when it best suits the organisation.

Although, online learning has become the new normal, more so since the pandemic for its convenience and practicality, at KeepAble we believe there is an essential element missing.

The importance of staff being able to connect with and discuss their work with their peers can’t be underestimated. The majority of homecare staff spend most of their work time with clients, often not having the opportunity to talk and learn from their peers.

All sessions are free and come with useful support resources

These convenient bite-size sessions are focused on the different elements of the wellness and reablement approach – Covering why it is important, how it can be implemented, the importance of goal setting, support planning, and more.

These learning modules are designed to be delivered at the organisations’ convenience, either in a team meeting or a dedicated professional development session. Each session’s duration is approximately 30 minutes, but this will fluctuate with the number of participants.

The resources include PowerPoint presentation, a facilitator guide providing supporting information, activity instructions to conduct with the group and potential responses from participants, case scenarios to discuss and problem solve and a feedback sheet for your organisation’s training records. All you require is someone with a passion for wellness and reablement to deliver the training using the KeepAble resources.

We are excited to announce the launch of the following sessions:­­

Session 1 – The Why and What of Reablement: Providing an overview and foundation of why working this way with clients is important and what it can look like in its application.

Session 2 – The Language of Reablement: To raise the awareness of the features of reablement language and the impact it can have when working with clients to achieve their goals.

You can download the free bespoke training resources here and use them at your organisation’s convenience. We welcome feedback from you and the participants of the sessions.

Through these sessions the KeepAble team endeavours to make ‘stepping back before stepping in’ the catchphrase for staff who value enabling the people they work alongside.

To kick off your training, visit the KeepAble hub ( today, review all the free resources, and don’t forget to register with the ‘Count me in’ form to become a part of the KeepAble ‘team’ assisting with resource and content development, taking part in surveys, and having your input on wellness and reablement delivery.

iLA is a Western Australian not-for-profit organisation with a focus on individualised assessment, peer navigation, and community and sector capacity-building initiatives.

KeepAble was created by ILA’s Sector Support & Development (SSD) team and is one of a range of activities that the team undertakes through SSD funding from the Australian Government, Department of Health, Commonwealth Home Support Programme.
