Aged care’s technology leaders

Tech-savvy aged care and ICT providers were recognised at the ITAC awards in Melbourne.

The industry’s IT leaders were recognised at the ITAC awards dinner in Melbourne earlier this week.

The award for the best technology implementation for more than 650 clients went to WA provider, Baptistcare for its iCare roll out.

The group’s director of life services, Ken Baker said Baptistcare was pleased to have received such high accolades at a national level.

“This award could not have been achieved without a huge cross organisational effort,” he said.

“I would like to extend my congratulations to all those involved in the [roll out] at each of Baptistcare’s 14 sites,” Mr Baker said.

“Baptistcare is a firm supporter of the use of ICT in aged care to continually improve resident and client outcomes and operational effectiveness.”

The award for the best technology roll out for 150-650 clients went to UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide for its implementation of Leecare’s leecareplus.

The group’s manager of quality system, Julie Hossack said the uptake of technology has made a big difference to the group’s six facilities.

“Our vision, mission and values are all about helping disadvantaged members of society to achieve a decent standard of living,” she said.

“We understand why we do what we do and to get some external recognition for that is quite lovely.”

“In terms of data integrity and systems and maintenance management it’s made things simpler.

“It’s made the information easier to find and it’s eliminated the dilemmas around reading people’s handwriting.”

The award for the best implementation under 150 places went to Alphington Aged Care in Melbourne for its adoption of ionmycare.

Owner, Greg Harding said the facility was pleased to gain recognition on a national scale. 

“It’s very exciting for us because it really improves our profile and shows that we can punch above our weight and match it with some of the big players in our industry,” he said.

“It’s an opportunity to celebrate the success which is uncommon in our industry.”

Cranbrook Care’s Lansdowne Gardens facility in Sydney took out the award for best infrastructure implementation.

The ICT company of the year award went to Simavita, the developer of the SIMystem which has revolutionised continence assessments in residential aged care.
“It means a great deal to as an organisation,” said the company’s CEO, Philippa Lewis. “It means that we have been recognised by our peers.

“Our technology is extremely valuable and this award indicates the support for it within the industry.”

“After 15 years of development and rolling out the system over the past six months, we have worked with a lot of stakeholders in throughout the industry and we are happy with what we have achieved.”

The SIMsystem has been rolled out at about 400 facilities throughout Australia and Simavita plans to introduce it to the European aged care market later this year.

Tags: it, itac, technology,

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