ICT in aged care under the spotlight

The next issue of Australian Ageing Agenda features reports on information and communication technology, clinical education and infection control in residential aged care.

care worker with aged care resident and ipad

The next edition of Australian Ageing Agenda magazine is reporting on information and communications technology (ICT) in aged care along with stories on clinical education and infection control.

There’s no doubt that Australia’s future aged care sector needs to operate in a technology-enabled environment. Royal Commissioners Tony Pagone and Lynelle most recently highlighted this in their final report.

They recommend all aged care providers use a digital care management system that includes medication management by July 2022. The system should be interoperable with the My Health Record, which providers should also adopt.

Next issue we will talk to the experts and providers about ICT in aged care, such as:

  • what ICT systems providers need for 2021 and beyond
  • the clinical, business and operational outcomes they can expect
  • provider lessons on implementing new technology.

Clinical education

The aged care royal commission highlighted many gaps in clinical practice in residential aged care including in the areas of dementia, wound care, medication management, nutrition and end-of-life care.

The royal commissioners call for nurses and care workers to be better trained and skilled in a range of areas. This includes mandatory dementia and palliative care training for all aged care staff who come into contact with aged care recipients.

We will ask educators and providers about the effective in-house and external options to meet staff educational needs from covering the basics to professional development and career progression.

Infection control

This last year has highlighted the need for impeccable infection prevention and control and the deadly consequences when it is not up to scratch.

National health and infection experts and agencies, along with the royal commission, have made recommendations on how to improve infection control.

As a result all residential aged care facilities must have an ongoing dedicated onsite infection prevention and control lead to ensure they are prepared to prevent and respond to infectious diseases.

We will speak to the experts to find out the latest evidence-based prevention and control measures that ensure optimal outcomes for residents at all times and especially during a health pandemic.

If you have a story to tell or expertise to share on these topics, please get in touch.

Email editorial submissions to editorial@australianageingagenda.com.au

Send advertising enquiries to advertise@australianageingagenda.com.au

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Tags: clinical-education, ict, infection-control,

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