Tech council scoping sector’s ICT capability for govt

Aged care’s technology peak body is assessing the digital maturity of the aged care industry in a new project funded by Australia’s health department.

Aged care’s technology peak body is assessing the digital maturity of the aged care industry in a new project funded by Australia’s health department.

The Capabilities in Aged and Community Care Readiness an Evaluation of Innovation and Technology (CARE-IT) project is scoping out the aged and community care industry including service providers and software vendors.

The three-month project led by the Aged Care Industry IT Council, which began on 23 March, is focusing on:

  • business and administrative systems
  • reporting and online access to government
  • surveillance and monitoring technologies
  • telehealth
  • safety in the home via smart home applications.

The project funded by the Department of Health will undertake two industry consultations to validate scoping and benchmarking activities.

It will also develop and undertake a national multifaceted digital maturity assessment for the aged and community care sector.

Dr George Margelis

ACIITC chair Dr George Margelis said the project was a unique opportunity for the aged care industry inform to the future directions, investment and programs needed to ensure innovative and high quality care, services and support for older people and their carers.

“The pace of technological change is rapid. And the previous research undertaken by the ACIITC has spotlighted the importance that our industry gets our priorities and investment in innovation and technology on target,” Dr Margelis told Australian Ageing Agenda.

“ACIITC has researched the workforce, workflow and practice implications of high levels of incorporation of innovation and technology as well as the important financial considerations related to return on investment.”

Industry encouraged to particpate

Dr Margelis has also been appointed chair of the project’s expert advisory committee, which also includes Rod Young, Professor Greg Alexander and Dr Claire Mason.

The project is being managed by Anne Livingstone and includes research lead Dr Kate Barnett, technical lead Gavin Tomlins, vendor advisor Lisa Capamagian and Georgie Gould.

The project will also analyse relevant publicly available datasets that detail specific digital transformation issues for the sector and survey software vendors.

Dr Margelis encouraged all service providers to join ACIITC’s online forums on 28 April and I June and complete an industry focused survey coming out early next month.

The project is due to deliver its final report of key insights and recommendations to the Department of Health on 24 June.

Register for next week’s online forum here.

You can also express your interest to participate in the survey by emailing

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Tags: aciitc, aged-care-industry-IT-council, digital-maturity, ict, technology,

1 thought on “Tech council scoping sector’s ICT capability for govt

  1. It appears there are no consumer representatives and/or older people on this advisory group. Is this correct or have I missed something. Given the stated aim to provide high quality care and services for consumers and the current focus on co-design in this area it seems a lost opportunity to say the least!

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