Medi-Map launches live data service

Medi-Map has launched an integration platform that enables aged care providers to access real-time medication data.

Aged care medication management software vendor Medi-Map has added an integration platform that enables aged care providers to access medication data in real-time.

Medi-Map’s integration platform is interoperable with client care solutions, practice management software and pharmacy packing systems.

BaptistCare NSW and ACT is the first client to connect to Medi-Map’s integration platform and receive live data feeds.

Daniel Pettman, chief information officer at BaptistCare NSW and ACT, said the new platform would provide operational benefits.

“Having access to the Medi-Map integration platform with its well-defined standards and structure for medication has enabled BaptistCare to have a clear understanding of medications for our residents and the relationships of medications to the different aspects of care we provide,” Mr Pettman said.

Medi-Map chief executive Greg Garratt said it was exciting to be able to offer providers access to real-time data. 

“Giving organisations access to their data in a safe, secure way and in a format they can use is a quantum step forward. It is our hope the learnings from this data will support better medication management and outcomes for all people in care,” Mr Garratt said.

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Tags: data, integration platform, medi-map, medication, technology,

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