The ethics of technology in aged care
A hypothetical discussion in Melbourne next week will consider the appropriate balance of technology in aged care.
The ethical impact of technology in aged care is the focus of a hypothetical discussion in Melbourne next week.
Aimed at industry leaders and CEOs, the lunchtime panel is the first of a series of aged care hypotheticals being convened by healthcare technology company, Simavita.
Bill Appleby, a panel member and the newly appointed CEO of Jewish Care, said decisions about technology need to be based on the informed consent of consumers.
“I think it is incumbent on us as providers to be out there researching the technology and bringing that information to the client, their carer and their support network,” he said.
“There is enormous potential to improve the safety and health of people living at home with technology through informed consent.”
Mr Appleby said the industry needed to begin talking now about the ethical implications of using technology in care.
“I think this discussion is an opportunity to stimulate discussion within industry about the use of technology, in a more interesting format than the typical chalk and talk discussion,” he said.
“Technology has the potential to produce great outcomes for clients and staff and to allow us as an industry to become more efficient.”
Joining Appleby on the hypothetical panel will be the director of the Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care (ACEBAC), Professor Rhonda Nay, and the CEO of Simavita, Philippa Lewis.
The discussion will be mediated by the former Executive Director of Aged Care Association Australia-NSW, Susanne Macri.
The panel will be held from 12 to 2pm on Tuesday, 23 February at the Garden Room in the Crown Entertainment Complex.