
RDNS launches national community education drive

Not-for-profit aged care service provider RDNS has today announced a partnership with Bowls Australia to deliver health and wellbeing education to seniors around the country.

RDNS to spread healthy ageing messages through Bowls Australia partnership
RDNS to spread healthy ageing messages through Bowls Australia partnership

Not-for-profit aged care service provider RDNS has today announced a partnership with Bowls Australia to deliver health and wellbeing education to seniors around the country.

The partnership will see RDNS nurses and educators visit bowls clubs in every state, talking with groups to promote better health, nutrition and positive ageing messages.

Australian bowls is one of the largest sports within Australia’s sport and recreation industry, with over 600,000 regular participants annually and 180,000 playing members across 1,927 clubs around the nation.

RDNS executive general manager Dan Woods said the initiative was a unique way to share important health information to the community outside of the formal health system.

“It is a massive sharing-of-knowledge initiative, designed to help people learn how to stay healthy, look after the people around them, and continue to get the most out of life as they grow older,” said Mr Woods.

Initial information session topics include Feed Your Brain, Fuelling Your Body, First Aid and CPR, Mastering Your Mind, Positive Ageing and Are You Drinking Enough Fluids?

Other topics to be covered in the large scale community education campaign include skin health, bladder health and dementia prevention.

Bowls Australia CEO Neil Dalrymple said the sessions would represent a great opportunity for members, players and other community members keen to stay healthy and be better informed – not just for themselves but in some cases for those in their care.

“More than 600,000 people play bowls regularly around Australia each year and more than half of those are aged over 60,” Mr Dalrymple said.

“Bowls Australia wants them to be fit and healthy for years to come.

“Participating in sport is a great first step but there are lots of other things we can do to stay in good shape. By implementing this RDNS partnership and the health and wellness training sessions, I hope there will be a greater understanding about the importance of keeping healthy and active as we age.”

Mr Woods said each session will be packed with practical advice and everyday strategies to maximise health knowledge and support participants to get the most out of life.

Read also: RSL Care and RDNS announce merger

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Tags: bowls-australia, community-education, health promotion, positive ageing, rdns,

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